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294 Mill St. E Unit 205, Elora, ON, N0B 1S0
Tel 519 843 4043

Toll Free 1 800 267 7867

Fax 519 843 6260


Office Manager:

Writer's picture: Dan HawkinsDan Hawkins

Your District 18 Executive Council is seeking applications from current District 18 Members for the following Executive Officer positions:

Educational Services Officer (acting appointment for a 1 year term, ending June 30th 2024)

Health and Safety Officer – WCDSB (acting appointment for a 1 year term, ending June 30th 2024)

Human Rights Officer (acting appointment for a 1 year term ending June 30th, 2025)

Communications Officer (acting appointment for a 2 year term ending June 30th, 2025)

Parliamentary Chair / Constitution Officer (acting appointment for a 2 year term ending June 30th, 2025)

 (Please see Excerpts below for the duties of each position.) Interested Members of District 18 should email no later than Monday March 4th at 4:30 pm. identifying which position they are interested in.

All applicants will be invited to the District Executive Meeting on Wednesday March t6h at 4:30 pm. Applicants should be prepared to discuss with the District Executive Council why they are interested in the position and any relevant experience that may help them with the position. Applicants will have the opportunity to ask any questions they may have of the District Executive Council at that time. (Please see Excerpts below “Procedures for appointment to Office”.)

Excerpts pulled from the District 18 Constitution as amended July 1st 2023.

BY-LAW 12: District Educational Services Officer

              (A) It shall be the duty of the District Educational Service Officer:

(1) act as the District’s representative in dealing with other affiliates in PD matters.

BY-LAW 13: District Health and Safety Officer

There shall be two (2) Health and Safety Officers, one (1) from each employer.

              (A) The Health and Safety Officer shall:

(1) be appointed by the District Executive Council,

(2) be a member of the District Executive Council,

(3) monitor the Acts and Regulations concerning Health and Safety and their application to members of OSSTF,

(4) keep the District Executive Council informed of all pertinent matters dealing with occupational health and safety in the schools, and

(5) ensure the fair and equitable implementation of the Acts and Regulations concerning health and safety as they pertain to members of OSSTF.

BY-LAW 14: District Human Rights Officer

              (A) It shall be the duty of the Human Rights Officer:

                           (1) to assist the Provincial Office in human rights initiatives,

                           (2) to coordinate the human rights activities of the District, and

                           (3) to advise the District Executive Council on human rights.

BY-LAW 11: District Communications Officer

(A) Duties:

                           It shall be the duty of the District Communications Officer:

(1) to work in conjunction with the Executive, and

(2) to distribute news and information to the membership during the school year.

BY-LAW 18: District Parliamentary Chair/Constitution Officer

(A) It shall be the duty of the District Parliamentary Chair/Constitution Officer:

(1) to chair District Executive Council meetings; and

(2) be the Chairperson for all General Meetings, or shall appoint a designate to chair such meetings.

BY-LAW 4: Procedures for an Appointment to Office

(A) Notice of an Appointment to Office will be sent to the Membership a minimum of fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the District Executive Meeting where the appointment will be made.

(1) All candidates will be invited to a meeting of the District Executive Council at which an appointment would be made.

(2) In Executive Session of District Executive Council, each candidate, will have the opportunity to address DEC and answer questions. The candidates will address the DEC in the following order: the candidate who is the incumbent, followed alphabetically by any other candidate who is an Executive Member and then alphabetically by any other candidate.

(3) Appointment will be made by ballot.

(4) Balloting will happen after all candidates have had an opportunity to address the DEC. Each District Executive voting member will have one vote.

(5) In order for a candidate to be appointed, they must receive a majority of the votes.

(6) The phrase “receive a majority of the votes” shall mean that the candidate’s vote total exceeds 50% of the number of the District Executive present, qualified to vote and voting.

(7) If no candidate receives a majority of the eligible ballots, the candidate with the fewest votes will be dropped from the ballot and a further ballot shall be held.

(8) If one candidate remains on the ballot and does not receive a majority of the votes, the position for appointment will be re-advertised.

(9) All ballots will be destroyed at the end of the District Executive Council meeting.

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